npm Blog (Archive)

The npm blog has been discontinued.

Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog.

npm Weekly, #7

Your npm news for the week… also available via email.

What’s new in the CLI

npm@2.6.1 unexpectedly fixed many of the issues with npm update -g simply by making --depth=0 the default for npm outdated. Yay, serendipity!

Check out our new roadmap

As we close in on npm@3, the CLI team has put together a roadmap for the upcoming version and future work. They’re updating it with their current priorities, so check it out if you want to follow along.

Using jQuery plugins

Last week we showed you how to publish your jQuery plugins to npm. This time we’ll show you how to use plugins that others have published, even if the plugin isn’t a CommonJS module.

Modules we love

nock is a tool for intercepting HTTP traffic. It exposes a very simple API for mocking one or many requests and returning custom headers, status codes, response body, etc. It also has support for chaining multiple calls, simulating delays, and disabling network traffic entirely. The npm team uses nock in many of our codebases to keep our test suites fast and isolated.