npm Blog (Archive)

The npm blog has been discontinued.

Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog.

npm weekly, #15

email > Tumblr? sign up and we’ll send the weekly directly to you.

registry in a box

Inspired by the challenge of running npm install to completion at NodeConf last year, Bryan English put together registry in a box. It provides “discoverable npm registry mirrors for situations like NodeConf, where the network is great, but the Internet bandwidth is limited.” Make sure to install it before NodeConf Adventure this June.

(picture by Matthew Bergman).

what’s new in the cli?

With this week’s npm@next you’ll see yet more improvements to git support. If you’re depending on multiple branches of a single git dependency in a single project, you probably want to check out npm@2.9.1 and verify that things (again?) work correctly in your project. Try it out with npm install -g npm@next.

npm has a new human

We’re adding more humans to the npm team, and the first of the new humans is here! Welcome to Ernie Salazar who will be helping you out when you contact or @npm_support.