npm Blog (Archive)

The npm blog has been discontinued.

Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog.

npm weekly, #17

As always, email also available.

an even better command line tool

Last week we showed you how to build a simple command line tool. This week, we show you how to make improvements to your tool.


We added another new human, this time on the registry team. Ryan Day will be joining CJ, Ben, and Maciej in making sure the registry can keep up with the ever exploding amount of traffic.


Speaking of the ever exploding registry traffic, CJ will be speaking at Web Rebels on Friday and NodeConf One-Shot Oslo on Saturday about how the team made the registry scale.

If you’re interested in what to expect in npm@3, check out Rebecca’s talk from the Boston Ember meetup.

And Raquel spoke with the descriptive podcast about her journey to becoming a Web developer in Hilariously, Isaac Emailed Me.

nodeschool international day

Want to learn Node? This Saturday there will be NodeSchools held all around the world.

If you’re looking to learn (or teach) npm, try out the how-to-npm workshop.

spdx support visualized

In the last weekly, we talked about SPDX. With SPDX License Expression Syntax, you can make it easy for tools to figure out how your code is licensed. This is great for enterprise users.

If you’re wondering which packages have parseable license strings (and which don’t) check out the new site from Kyle Mitchell, npm1K.